Real Estate Auction Services
Accelerated Marketing Group (AMG) Real Estate Auction Division is the pride and joy of our company. We have over 25 years in this business and have been involved in over $2.8 billion in closed auction sales. Our firm is one of only a few companies in America who have been quoted as considered experts in the Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, The Dallas Star and the San Diego Union Tribune. We have successfully used all of the methods and variations commonly known as "auctions" and applied them to real estate.
The Accelerated Marketing Group team consults with the Seller and together we decide which Program and Method best suits the property and Seller objectives. The Marketing Plan will consist of a carefully structured, tiered campaign beginning with mass marketing and then progresses the prospective bidders through monitored stages of qualification culminating with a commitment to bid and, finally, auction day or submission of bids.
AMG specializes in three Program Types and three Methods that may be applied to each program type. Each program has an advance-prepared Property Information Package that is provided to qualified buyers so that all-cash, non-contingent, short closing time bids may be made. Respondents are carefully monitored and developed, through our proprietary multi-level program, from leads to qualified prospects and, finally, to bidders. Every program is tailored to our Seller's needs. An auction is a sale on a time-specific date; it will sell on that date thus meeting Seller timing requirements.

Recent News:
Accelerated Marketing Group (AMG) Recognized by California State Auctioneers Association (CSAA)