Conventional Brokerage
Want to sell your property but do not have an immediate time frame? AMG's conventional brokerage division can design a custom marketing program to fit the bill. Our resources include an over 65,000-name database of real estate investors, brokers, title officers, tax deferred exchange companies, real estate attorneys and accountants and access to over 350,000 industry experts. Using these resources plus our analysis of your asset, we can generate conventional offers fast.
AMG is first, a group of real estate professionals. Above all, we understand real estate and are experienced in analyzing markets and property types to determine how best to market the property and what value to legitimately expect from the market. From sales comparables, to financing, to forecasting based on real-time market conditions, AMG professionally assesses your property and makes realistic proposals for a marketing program.
It is often said: "How do you get rid of a broker?" Answer: "Give him the listing and you won't hear from him again!" This is NOT AMG's style. We provide timely, written activity reports to our Seller so there are no surprises. We pride ourselves in letting our Seller know "which way the wind is blowing" so intelligent, informed changes may be made as necessary to achieve a sale.
Recent News:
Accelerated Marketing Group (AMG) Recognized by California State Auctioneers Association (CSAA)