Company News
United States Commerce Association Awards Accelerated Marketing Group "Best Of Newport Beach - Marketing Program Services" For 2010.
December 29, 2010 - Newport Beach, California. "We were surprised and honored when we were notified that we had won this distinguished award." stated Todd Good, CEO/President of the Accelerated Marketing Group. He continued; "Being a national real estate auction company who represents high profile individuals as well as financial institutions and governmental agencies, we take great pride in our marketing presentations of our listings. This coupled with our expertise in real property and our highly trained staff, make us one of the premier real estate brokerage firms in the nation. It's just nice to be recognized by other professionals as being top flight."
California State Auctioneers Association Elects New Vice President From Accelerated Marketing Group
September 2010 Monterey, CA. - At the annual convention of the California State Auctioneers Association (CSAA) Robert Daniel, Executive Vice President of the Accelerated Marketing Group (AMG), was named the new 2010-2011 Vice President of the CSAA.
Mr. Daniel has served prior terms on the CSAA Board of Directors and was elected to the position of Vice President this year. Mr. Daniel stated: "I am very pleased to be in a position to increase the awareness of auctions and to educate the public and the industry about this exciting real estate sales tool." Mr. Daniel is a co-founder of AMG and has been a business partner with AMG's President, Todd Good.
President Re-Elected To The Board Of Directors Of The California State Auctioneers Association
October 27, 2007 Anaheim, California - At the 2007 California State Auctioneers Association annual conference Todd L. Good, President of the Accelerated Marketing Group, was re-elected to the Board of Directors. When asked why he ran for the office Mr. Good responded, "I have been lucky enough to succeed in the real estate auction business for over 25 years through hard work, education and the support of other auctioneers who have help me not make the mistakes they had made. Its my turn to help others. I hope during my two year term to conduct a number of educational seminars for new and experienced auctioneers."
AMG Wins 2007 Brochure Of The Year
October 27, 2007 Anaheim, California - At the 2007 California State Auctioneers Association annual conference Accelerated Marketing Group was awarded "Brochure of the Year" for the four color two page brochure for a residential auction that was conducted in Idaho this last year. "We take great pride in the marketing materials we produce for our clients. "We believe that a brochure should be a pictorial/factual representation of the real estate offering and at a minimum should compel an interested party to pick up the phone and call for more information." stated Todd Good, President of AMG.
Click here to Download Brochure (PDF).
AMG Wins 2007 Electronic Media Of The Year

October 27, 2007 Anaheim, California - At the 2007 California State Auctioneers Association annual conference Accelerated Marketing Group was awarded "Electronic Media of the Year for TV advertising" for the two residential condominium real estate auctions in Orlando, Florida. The ad help to generate over 2,300 interested parties to tour the projects during the 3 weeks of open houses. The auction, conducted at the Lake Mary Marriott, was attended by of 1000 people and 5 TV news teams. Over 50 residences where sold and closed within 20 days for over $6.3MM.
Accelerated Marketing Group Awarded "Industrial Deal Of The Year" By The Realtor Commercial Alliance-Realtors Association Of The Palm Beaches

March 13, 2007 Palm Beach, Florida - Tom Karras, Eastern Regional Director for the Accelerated Marketing Group (AMG) announced today that the real estate and intellectual auctions of the Hell's Bay Boat Works facility in Titusville, Florida helped the east coast office of AMG win this prestigious award. "I was totally taken aback that a real estate auction firm was chosen. It was truly a team effort. From Todd Good's assistance in setting the programming, Bob Daniel's assistance in the extremely difficult documentation to my dealing with both a federal agency and a local lender." The property had been on the market for over a year and one half with little to no interest. By instituting multiple real estate auction programs at the same time we were able to attract over 200 interested parties equated to 13 qualified bidders and a multi-million dollar sale in 45 days.
The Senior Vice President of Riverside Bank is quoted as saying; "Having specialized in real estate for more years than I care to say I cannot tell you how often brokers have promised me the world and then made excuses for why they could not deliver. It was truly refreshing to work with your team in the execution of this difficult asset because you guys told me what was truly happening during the marketing instead of telling me what it was you thought I wanted to hear. Your expertise in both the real estate and the business aspect of the sale as well as the auction documentation and execution put your firm to the top of the class".

Recent News:
Accelerated Marketing Group (AMG) Recognized by California State Auctioneers Association (CSAA)