In The News
Accelerated Marketing Group (AMG) Recognized by California State Auctioneers Association (CSAA)
October 22 - Catimaran Resort & Spa, San Diego, CA - It was announced today at the annual convention of the CSAA that AMG had won three auction marketing awards this year. The three awards:
1. Best Auction TV commercial in the State promoting an individual auction.
2. Best Web based auction advertising for an individual program in the State, and
3. Best auction website for an auction company in the State.
"We were both surprised and humbled that out of all the quality auctioneers and auction companies AMG was singled out to win such prestigious awards." stated Todd Good, President. He continued; "We take great pride in the marketing materials we put out into the marketplace for our clients. We also revamped out internet marketing and website at great cost in both dollars and time and effort as we have seen a transition between the way buyers research buying opportunities."
Todd L. Good Re-Elected President of the California State Auctioneers Association (CSAA)
October 22 - Catimaran Resort & Spa, San Diego, CA - It was announced today at the annual convention of the CSAA that Todd Good, President of the Newport Beach, CA Accelerated Marketing Group was re-elected President for a second consecutive term. "I was overwhelmed that the membership and the Board of Directors drafted me to serve a second term since there hasn't been a President re-elected in consecutive terms for over 10 years. With membership on the rise during these trying times I truly believe that in order for our industry to keep up with the times we at the CSAA have to provide education services on a localized basis here in California. To this end I believe we had a great spring conference in Monterey and even a better annual convention here in San Diego. I am really looking forward to our educational seminar cruise to Mexico in early March 2012." stated Todd Good.
Accelerated Marketing Group Wins 2011 - BEST OF NEWPORT BEACH - Marketing Program Services
Newport Beach, CA - It was announced today, that for the second consecutive year, Accelerated Marketing Group had won the Best of Newport Beach- Marketing Program Services coveted award. "I cannot tell you how surprised we were to be recognized by our local peers for our marketing expertise. We at AMG work as a team with our clients to put out the best promotional materials in our industry." Todd Good, CEO/President was quoted as saying -he continued; "We thank The United States Commerce Association for the award and pledge to keep our standards high."

Recent News:
Accelerated Marketing Group (AMG) Recognized by California State Auctioneers Association (CSAA)